Are IVC Filters Dangerous?

Are you at risk for using an IVC Filter?

When they first came to light, the Inferior Vena Cava Filters (IVC) were among the smartest inventions of all time. Across the world, people suffer from all kinds of health complications. When there is finally a solution to all their problems, it's more like a gift from heaven, or is it?

Blood clots are a medical condition that affects millions of people around the globe. The IVC devices were supposed to be a way of preventing the occurrence of the blood clots in the body, which would otherwise result in disastrous complications or even death. 

With that said, it's up to the manufacturers to ensure the medical devices they put in the market are safe for use. Sad to say, things did not go as planned with the IVC filter devices manufactured by CR Bard and Cook Medical. There have been claims that the IVC filter devices are defective, with some breaking apart or moving within the body.

Thousands of affected patients have already filed lawsuits seeking compensation for the complications they suffered. According to the IVC filter lawsuits, the manufacturers put a defective medical product into the market and failed to warn the patients about the fatal risks and complications. Without saying too much, let's get into the details;

What we know about the IVC filters

The IVC filters are typically medical devices that work to prevent the formation of life-threatening blood clots in patients. These are mostly the trauma patients who are at high risk of developing blood clots as well as the obese patients.  Some of these patients cannot take anticoagulants because they have proven to be ineffective. For this reason, the IVC filter devices are used instead.

A medical professional inserts the device in the neck or groin area and threads it into the inferior vena cava. Well, as you might know, the inferior vena cave is responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood from other parts of the body to the heart. The implanted IVC filter device captures any blood clots moving within the artery before they can get to the lungs and cause problems.
However, the very same devices that were supposed to be preventing disaster were the ones reportedly causing serious complications in patients who used them. 

As early as 2010, there were patients from different parts of the country who were reporting horrific complications such as the device migrating to other parts, the filter breaking into pieces, punctured blood vessels, and body organs.  The FDA took notice of that and issued its first warning the very same year. At the time, the patients were advised to have the implants removed as soon as the risk of blood clots decreased. 

What are the IVC filter injuries and side effects?

The IVC filters are supposed to lower the risks of blood clots developing in patients who cannot take anticoagulants. As a matter of fact, the IVC filters are thought to be effective in reducing the risk of life threatening health conditions such as pulmonary embolism and thrombosis. When medication is not effective, the IVC filters are used.

However, over the years, hundreds of patients have reported having experienced some complications as a result of using the filters. The complications occur either when the device is still implanted in the body, when it’s inserted or after its removal.

There are claims of the metal device migrating to other parts and in the process puncturing internal organs or even worse the veins. Beyond that, some patients have reported blood clots developing at the very same location the IVC filter device was implanted. This raises questions about the the safety and effectiveness of the IVC filters.

Here are some of the common injuries experienced when the IVC filters fail to function as needed;

  • Chest and neck pain

  • Shortness of breath

  • Organ perforation and damage- this is as a result of the device migrating and compromising the organs it travels to.

  • Pulmonary embolism- the filter moving out of place means it's no longer able to prevent blood clots from going through the inferior vena cava and travelling towards the lungs.

  • Deep vein thrombosis- blood clots can form at the area where the IVC filter device is implanted, partially blocking the veins.

  • Cardiac tamponade- when the filer breaks, parts of it may find a way to the heart causing fluid buildup


Contact us – we can help

If you’ve been harmed by using an IVC Filter, contact an attorney right away to find out if you have a case.

Depending on your circumstances, you might have a case against the device manufacturer, your doctor, or the medical organization.

File Your Claim Now!