IVC Filter Manufacturers

IVC Filter Manufacturers

There is no doubt the IVC filters are a lifesaver for some patients. These tiny devices were specifically designed to capture blood clots that might have broken away from the artery wall before making way to the lungs. For the patients who were unreactive to anticoagulants, this was literally a godsend device.

However, the IVC filter devices have not failed to come with a share of controversies. With thousands of people reporting to have suffered disastrous complications, the appeal of these tiny devices might seem too good to be true.

Normally, when manufacturers make defective medical devices, they are held accountable for the injuries which occur. This is especially if the patients and doctors were not informed about the possible serious risks and complications.

On that note, you must have heard of the ongoing IVC filter lawsuits. Many patients have already sued several manufacturers for reportedly making defective devices that break into small parts, move within the body, and damage internal organs.

At the moment, there are over fourteen thousand lawsuits against several manufactures that are pending. Although there are many companies that manufacture IVC filters, the most litigated ones include Cook Medical, C.R. Bard, and Boston Scientific. Out of the three, C.R Bard and Cook Medical face the largest number of lawsuits.

The reason why people are filing IVC filter lawsuits

Several manufacturers are facing lawsuits for their defective devices that have allegedly caused a lot of harm and suffering in many patients. The manufacturers involved in the IVC filter lawsuits include C.R Bard, Cook Medical and Boston Scientific. Though, many of the lawsuits are filed against Cook Medical and C.R Bard.

The plaintiffs argue that the manufacturers designed, marketed, and sold defective devices. Furthermore, they claim these manufacturing companies failed to adequately warn the doctors and patients of the foreseen risks associated with using their devices. According to the attorneys, one of the manufacturers (C.R Bard) carried out research on their product and found it not suitable for use. However, instead of disclosing this information to the public, they hid the results and went ahead to sell the product.

The compensation for the IVC filter lawsuits

The lawsuits against each company are combined into Multidistrict litigations to make the legal process easier. As of March 2020, more than ten thousand cases were awaiting a hearing. On a positive note, some of the victims have won the cases and received their compensations.

People who have suffered serious injuries after using the IVC filters can seek compensation for the following damages;

  • Loss of wages

  • Medical expenses that resulted from complications and injuries caused by the devices

  • Physical and mental suffering

  • Inability to comfortably earn an income

  • Loss of consortium or companionship of the spouses

  • Inability to fully enjoy life

  • Any punitive damages

Anyone who has suffered injuries after using an IVC filter can file a claim. The most important thing is to do it as soon as possible. Each one of the states has its specified statute of limitations when it comes to medical claims. So, make your move fast enough before it's too late.

Should you file a lawsuit?

People who believe they have suffered life threatening complications after using an IVC Filter are eligible to file a lawsuit.

There are attorneys who are willing to take on the battle and help you get the justice you deserve. With that that said, should you win the case, the compensation will largely depend what happened to you as a result of using an IVC Filter.

File Your Claim Now!